Clan Maclean Amateur Radio Society (CMARS)
Motto: Per Communicationem Vis (Strength through Communication)
CMARS is an on-line organisation dedicated to encouraging on air communication between MacLeans worldwide. The rules governing eligbility for membership are the same as the regional associations. Licensed Radio Amateurs
and Short Wave Listeners are welcomed equally. Join Now by sending an email and stating how you qualify as a Maclean and what your interest in radio is.
The society holds the callsigns MM0HFI and W1CMA which are available for use by society members when arranged with the licence holder/trustee.
What is Amateur Radio?
There will be some visitors to this page who ask "What is Amateur Radio?", well rather than try to give an explanation here, the best method will probably be to make use of the many web pages that have already been written to answer the question. Hopefully this will provide an elementary explanation of Amateur Radio and will be enough, hopefully, to whet the appetite and spark a need to know more...